Hearing Loss Panel

también conocido como: genetic testing for hereditary hearing loss.

What is a hearing loss panel?

The hearing loss panel is a medical test that helps in the diagnosis of some genetic causes of hearing loss. A blood or saliva sample is used for the hearing loss panel. This test is often done in addition to more common hearing tests.

What happens during the procedure?

A saliva sample or routine blood draw is required for the hearing loss panel. The blood or saliva sample is then taken to a laboratory for testing and analysis.

Is any special preparation needed?

No special preparation is needed for the test.

What are the risk factors?

Infection, bleeding and damage to surrounding organs and tissues are potential risks of any blood draw. There is no risk to giving a saliva sample.

Revisado por: Sajel L Kana, MD

Esta página fue actualizada por última vez en: marzo 26, 2019 12:27 p. m.